
Focus on the love and light always and all the time.  Don’t let yourself become drawn into the negativity. Darkness will always exist, but so will light.

Change your perspective.  Change your focus to see from someone else’s perspective, empathy.  Think about your life, life in general, from an even higher perspective, God’s perspective.

Life isn’t fair; remember it’s not fair for anyone.  If it seems fair for awhile, you should consider yourself lucky.


I just spent some time on my lunch break and snack break looking at my beloved www.pinterest.com, and I decided to make a new board about travel called “adventure”.  I spent a good while looking at it, and almost every photo that called to me was from one place – ITALY!!  Manifestation vacation much?

I really really want to travel Italy now!!!  Like seriously, now! 🙂

Italy, Italy, Italy

back, back, back to AThens.

shelly taylor and peacock

Take like ten in a row.

good times in Athens, GA… so glad I got to see Shelly and Laura and Peacock all together again… hopefully, it will happen again before another 5 years go by… crazy time.
been back in ga for pretty much 2 months today.  married. house. kids. job. whoa. whoa.  breathe. 🙂
trying to go with the flow, but I sure did put a lot of boats on the river.